

Dr. Tannahill Glen

Neuropsychology, Inc.

Jacksonville, Florida

Phone: 404.683.6367  


Dr. Glen is located in the historic Riverside-Avondale neighborhood in Jacksonville, Florida, As part of this unique mobile consultation service, Dr. Glen comes to your office, as needed, for the greatest convenience. Just call or email for more information, or to make an appointment.





    Strategic Record Review

    Overview of major strengths and potential challenges

    Advance Prep for Challenges

    Help with identifying and preparing for likely challenges

    Preparation for Deposition

    Extensive written and face-to-face preparation for depositions

    Trial approaching? No problem. Urgent services available.

    Sometimes continuation is not an option and you must be prepared.  No problem.

    Tiered Pricing for Phase of Litigation

    With tailored services, you pay for what you need, and no more.

    Exhibit Preparation

    Images and graphs can help educate the trier of fact.

    Identify Jury Selection Issues

    Careful analysis of potential opportunities and challenges

    Literature Review

    Identification of the most critical, strongly-supported scientific and clinical literature relevant to your case

    Data Review

    The ability to review and summarize protected data you need to prepare a case

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: I might hire a testifying expert, so why would I need a consultant?

    A: Too often the most valuable evidence in your case is left on the table during mediation and deposition/discovery phases of litigation--well before you hire your own testifying expert.  Consultation helps you strengthen your early position with review of data, and actively advances your cases through deposition opportunities.

    Just as importantly, aggressive tactics directed at restricting, excluding or limiting testifying experts are common in litigation, and often make it exceedingly time-consuming and expensive for attorneys to proceed with direct examination, and even discourage testifying experts from taking or continuing with your case.

    Fortunately, there are many ways to introduce your message and evidence into the record and courtroom, and only rarely does this require a direct examination and testimony from an identified expert neuropsychologist.  Dr. Glen helps you maximize the impact of depositions and cross-examination, defend challenges to your witnesses and positions, and elicit the information you need to prepare your case.

    Q: Why would I need to hire an expert before a case even goes to mediation?

    A: Information that a consulting expert provides before you go into mediation can help you fully appreciate and address the strengths and challenges of your case, and can result in significant changes to claims or offers.   This early identification of major issues is strategic, and helps you move forward while saving you time and effort.  And too often I've been retained in a case long after depositions are complete, resulting in missed opportunities.

    Q: What if the case settles at mediation and nothing further is needed?

    A: Neuropsychology, Inc. consulting has tiered pricing based on phase of litigation: pre-mediation, deposition preparation, and trial.  You pay for only the services you need, unless you choose a full-service consultation package.

    Q:  I already have a testifying expert.  Why would I ask my client to pay for consulting services?

    A: First and foremost, opposing counsel will likely have their own consultant! And even if not, hiring one of your own provides you with a courtroom advantage.

    Also, your testifying expert is, first and foremost, a clinician, and may not have the time, expertise or experience to provide the intensive consultation and preparation necessary in complex cases.

    More importantly, he or she provides an objective opinion and does not blend the roles of advocate and unbiased examiner, while a non-testifying expert can predict and assist in developing strategic and tactical movements in the case.

    Finally, the cost of a consulting expert pales in comparison to the costs of potential losses, unexpected maneuvers, and staff time. Your consultant helps you navigate those treacherous waters and save your valuable financial and staff time resources.

    Q:  How do I know when to hire a consulting expert?

    A: Non-testifying consulting can be as minimal or extensive as your needs dictate.  But in general, you should hire a non-testifying consultant whenever there is a major settlement demand.

    A neuropsychological consultant is strongly recommended every time there is a neuropsychological/neurological claim related to brain damage, and in cases with psychiatric/psychological claims.

    A consulting expert is a superb option when there are fractious and expensive efforts to exclude or limit potential testifying experts; this often presents an opportunity to introduce your evidence in novel and less predictable ways, giving you a courtroom advantage.

    Often depositions are begun even before direct examination, and hiring a consultant for preparation for your depositions helps you maximize the impact of those opportunities.

    Consulting is also desirable when neuropsychological evaluation has already been performed that is favorable to your case, when limitations have precluded your ability to have your own examination performed, and when there is simply no time for direct examination or testifying expert disclosure.

    Typical Consultation Services

    Consultation is used to: -Identify precise diagnoses and evidence and review materials supporting or challenging those conditions -Identify weaknesses or errors in expert and treater reports -Highlight what procedures or tests should, or should not, have been done -Spotlight unidentified concerns in findings or misinterpretation of findings -Prepare your team for productive and assertive depositions of treating and expert doctors -Discuss strengths and weaknesses of your case from a neuropsychological perspective, and identify avenues for eliciting testimony favorable for your case

    Case #1

    Damages claim for more than $30 million after male plaintiff reported concussion in a wreck.  Consultation and Deposition preparation enabled one of the main treating doctors to be a very favorable defense witness, and  limited and defined testimony of all treating and expert doctors, preventing overreaching opinion at trial. Trial preparation identified likely areas of challenge to testimony that would need re-direct readiness.  Identified challenges to magnified life care plan.  Verdict less than 1% of demand.

    Case #2

    Psychological evaluation prohibited in a case involving chronic pain and likely opioid dependence.  Consultation and Deposition Preparation highlighted the evidence for medication dependence and mismanagement, and brought to light published guidelines showing the treating doctors performed invasive procedures without following standard of care recommendations for psychological evaluation and pain medication changes.

    Case #3

    Female sustained reported severe traumatic brain injury in wreck with full disability. Pre-mediation consultation revealed the injury was instead  one of "complicated-mild" severity with minimal sequelae.  Review revealed major causal stressor weeks before instant event, and identified major weaknesses of treating doctor opinions, all extremely valuable information for the defense team prior to mediation.

    Case #4

    Male plaintiff suing for permanent neurologic dysfunction following reported medication error.  Records appeared to reflect coma and major neurologic sequelae such as ataxia and neurogenic pain.  Consultation revealed clear evidence of minimal severity of reaction, non-anatomic nature of symptom pattern and invalidity of prior examinations.  Deposition preparation helped elicit these details from treating doctors and opposing expert and elicit testimony from treating doctors about non-neurologic causes of symptoms including factitious disorder and malingering.
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